Pathways and Prevention of Invasive Species

Join Thom Allgaier from NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets for one of our NYISAW statewide webinar series.

This webinar will illustrate some of the pathways invasive species exploit to become established and some of the intervention methods that are used to thwart introduction.  Means of detecting, reporting,  and monitoring invasive species will also be discussed.  Join us for this deeper dive into how invasive species are spread and what is done to intervene before and after detection.

Attend here:

Aquatic Invasives and How to Stop Them

This New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, join Catskill Region Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) staff the evening of Wednesday June 8th, from 7-8 pm, to learn about aquatic invasive species (AIS)! We’ll cover common and emerging invasive plants and animals, how they might spread around and between waterbodies, and simple steps you can take to identify them and prevent their spread.
Meeting ID: 872 7451 9267

Join the NYISAW Mapping Challenge!

During the 2022 New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, we are launching the first ever NYISAW Mapping Challenge! We challenge you to get out and map this week’s statewide priority species, spotted lanternfly, and the priority species for your PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management). The top reporters to iMapInvasives during NYISAW will win a prize!

Join our 7pm webinar to learn more about the challenge, how your records feed into statewide efforts, and how to identify spotted lanternfly, and the species selected by your PRISM! Presenters will include invasive species experts from the PRISMs.

Japanese Tree Lilac – APIPP (Adirondacks), Capital Region PRISM
Tree-of-heaven – SLELO, Western NY PRISM, Finger Lakes PRISM
Quagga Mussel – CRISP (Catskills)
Princess Tree – LIISMA (Long Island)
Beech Leaf Disease – Lower Hudson PRISM


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