Removing Water Chestnut LIVE

Join CRISP for a Facebook Live this Wednesday, June 7th, to learn about the great work being done by the Canadarago Lake Improvement Association (CLIA), the Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA), and CRISP in removing invasive water chestnut from beautiful Canadarago Lake!  The event kicks off at 10am so join us at to learn more about water chestnut and watch our awesome partners and volunteers in action!

Pollinators in Peril: How to Restore Your Backyard

As part of NYISAW (New York’s Invasive Species Awareness Week), come learn about one of the most important groups of animals on the planet – pollinators! These animals (birds, butterflies, bees) play a crucial role in our ecosystems, but are under threat from invasive species. Learn how to help support native pollinators, and turn your backyard into a paradise.

Join here:

Native Alternatives to Common Invasive Plants

Spring is here and it’s time to start thinking about gardening! Selecting what plants you will grow can be exciting but you could be playing a role in the introduction of invasive plants. Many invasive plants were once considered desirable ornamentals that were intentionally introduced to gardens and landscapes only to escape into our natural environments. You can play a vital role in the introduction and prevention of invasive plants by choosing to grow native species and taking action to control invasives you may find on your property.

This webinar will discuss native alternatives to common invasive garden plants, the benefits of native plants, general control methods, and a Pledge to Protect you can take to protect your garden and favorite outdoor spaces from invasive species.

This event is in observance of New York’s annual Invasive Species Awareness Week NYISAW a state-wide invasive species outreach campaign.

Register here:

Presented by:

Megan Pistolese-Shaw, SLELO PRISM Education and Outreach Coordinator.

Melanie Cutillo- Owner and operator of Lazy Dirt Flower Farm.

Community Science…for Kids! (Webinar)

“What plant is that? What kind of bird is that? What is THIS?!” – If these are frequently asked questions by the kids in your life, then they are the perfect candidates for community science!

Community science is a great opportunity for kids to participate in hands-on or observational activities that help the natural world (and science!), all while spending time outdoors.

In this webinar, you and your kids will discover how to become community scientists, experiencing and exploring the process of inquiry and scientific investigation. We will go over how to make observations of both native and invasive species and how to report them in an effort to better understand our natural world.

Reigster here:

Beech Leaf Disease: How Community Scientists Can Help

American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) is one of the most common and important trees in New York forests and has already been decimated by Beech Bark Disease over the past several decades. Beech Leaf Disease (BLD) is a relatively newly discovered pathogen that has been wreaking havoc on beech trees (native and ornamental) throughout the state. There is much we still don’t know, and we need communities all over the state to help us monitor its spread.

This webinar will include information on what BLD is, why beech trees are so important, how to identify BLD, and how YOU can help monitor the spread of BLD in your favorite areas!

This event is in observance of New York’s annual Invasive Species Awareness Week NYISAW a state-wide invasive species outreach campaign.

To register for the webinar visit here:

Presented by:

Addison Kubik, Capital Region PRISM Education and Outreach Coordinator.

Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species w/ Research Scientist Jess Cancelliere

Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species is a documentary by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and Westfield Production Company about the threat of invasive species on New York’s forests, waters, and agriculture. Join us to watch the film and learn about emerging invasive species and how New York is working to manage their spread. We’ll be joined by DEC’s Forest Health Diagnostic Lab Coordinator Jess Cancelliere who will be answering all your invasive species questions.


State of the Science: Harmful Algal Blooms and Invasive Species

Interested in learning about harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their intersection with invasive species issues? Join us on June 10th at 1pm (ET) for this 2022 New York Invasive Species Awareness Week webinar to hear from leading professionals about the latest science and management efforts. The agenda will include:
– General overview of HABs and broad connections with invasive species
– Direct connections between dresseinid mussels and HABs
– Invasive plant management and HABs
– Q&A + discussion

To register:

Squishing Spotted Lanternfly

Come for a talk on one of the most destructive invasive species seen in generations – the Spotted Lanternfly. Learn what makes this insect such a threat, why it’s important, and what you can do to stop it.

Register here:

Pathways and Prevention of Invasive Species

Join Thom Allgaier from NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets for one of our NYISAW statewide webinar series.

This webinar will illustrate some of the pathways invasive species exploit to become established and some of the intervention methods that are used to thwart introduction.  Means of detecting, reporting,  and monitoring invasive species will also be discussed.  Join us for this deeper dive into how invasive species are spread and what is done to intervene before and after detection.

Attend here:

Aquatic Invasives and How to Stop Them

This New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, join Catskill Region Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) staff the evening of Wednesday June 8th, from 7-8 pm, to learn about aquatic invasive species (AIS)! We’ll cover common and emerging invasive plants and animals, how they might spread around and between waterbodies, and simple steps you can take to identify them and prevent their spread.
Meeting ID: 872 7451 9267