Invasive Species Problem Defined for Community Scientists of the Columbia Land Conservancy

The two-part program for invasive species awareness and identification will feature an online training program coupled with an in-the-field training with regional experts from the Capital Region PRISM, a Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management. Participants attending the online tutorial can expect to receive an in-depth look at how invasive species are problematic to our native flora and fauna. The program will include a brief introduction to the desk top version of iMap Invasives and the mobile app for reporting species. The iMapInvasives Mobile app preferences will be set up and tailored for use on CLC properties.

The program is intended to build foundational knowledge for an in-the-field workshop for plant identification and reporting on June 17th, 2023, at the CLC Overmountain property. As a community scientist uploading invasive species to the iMapInvasives state-run database, you will help make conservation-based management decisions in the future for the Columbia Land Conservancy.

Registration for Part One (Zoom Webinar June 6) can be found here:

Registration for Part Two (In-field at Overlook Mountain June 17) can be found here:

– In addition, sign up for an iMapInvasives account and download the App

1) create a free iMapInvasives account online at: Best done on a laptop or personal computer. Click on the “Login” button to register and create an account. *After registering check your email for an activation email from iMapInvasives. Click the link and accept the User Agreement.*

2) – Step two download the app to your phone. Please follow the directions found here:

Wilton Wildlife: Forest Pest Training Part 1 (Webinar)

New York’s forests are tranquil places where many people go to find peace and comfort but unfortunately are also under attack by a variety of dangerous forest pests. Join Addison Kubik, Education & Outreach Coordinator for the Capital Region PRISM, for a webinar on the threats facing our forests. Species covered will include spongy moth, spotted lanternfly, hemlock woolly adelgid, southern pine beetle, and more! Then join us in the field at the Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park for a Forest Pest woods walk on Saturday, June 10!

To Register for the webinar: Please email

Learn Invasive Species by Becoming a Trail Master!

We are actively looking for volunteers to join the FL PRISM Trail Survey for 2023! Similar to our Macrophyte Survey, you can join the effort to fight our terrestrial invasive species by becoming a “Trail Master”. This hour long training will teach you how to identify common invasive plant species. As a Trail Master, you will then go out and survey a trail of your choosing for these species once a month. Help us find invasive species before they get out of control, be more active this summer, and help your environment.


Macrophyte Survey Program Training

We are actively looking for volunteers to join the FL PRISM Macrophyte Survey Program in 2023! Join the prevention effort against aquatic invasive species and help protect our regional waters. Without your help these invaders might go undetected, and early detection allows for rapid response of high priority invasive species that could cause significant damage to native ecosystems. In this volunteer-based community science program, you’ll learn about aquatic plant communities from conservation professionals with the opportunity to take a closer look at what plants are growing beneath the surface of your local water body. FL PRISM provides the tools and training to participate in the survey, with flexible sampling schedules all season long! Registration:

Invasive Plant Species ID & iMapInvasives Training

Are you curious about invasive plants? Do you want to know how to identify different species and what to do next? Join Western New York Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (WNY PRISM) and Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy for a training on invasive plants. Learn how to identify some of western New York’s common and priority invasive plant species and how to easily report your observations using the iMapInvasives app.

The training will be held at the Marcy Casino (lower level) at Delaware Park, 199 Lincoln Parkway, Buffalo, NY 14222. It will feature an indoor training, followed by an outdoor portion to practice how to identify invasive plants and report observations to iMapInvasives.

Registration is required: Attendance is limited to 40 people.

Attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather, wear sturdy footwear and bring water. For questions, contact WNY PRISM at or (716) 878-4708.

iMap Invasive App Training

Join us at the Bioreserve to have a hands-on training for PRISM’s iMap Invasive app. After an overview of the app we will take a walk through the Bioreserve and put the app into action! If there is time left after a tour will be given on the Bioreserve features.

Address: 38 Old Route 9w in Glenmont, NY

Grafton Lakes State Park: An Invasive Species Talk and Naturalist Walk with iMapinvasives Mobile App Training

Grafton Lake State Park Visitor Center
254 Grafton Lakes State Park Way
Grafton, New York 12082

Join the Capital Region PRISM, a Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management and the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for a program on invasive species and their impact on our native plant communities. The first portion of the program will include a presentation on the negative effects that invasive species pose to our ecosystems. In addition, an overview of the iMapinvasives Mobile App for reporting will be demonstrated and then utilized during the naturalist walk.

After the presentation Kristopher Williams, the CR-PRISM coordinator, and Andy Damon, the OPRHP Stewardship Specialist, will lead a short naturalist walk along Long Pond to discuss plant communities and the threats invasive species pose on the park. During the woods walk, native and invasive species will be identified. The iMapinvasives mobile app will be used to report non-native species. The talk and walk are part of the New York State Invasive Species Awareness Week. The event is free and open to the public, please register in advance for this program. The program is limited to 18 participants.

To register for the in person event please click here or follow the link.

Please “sign up” for an iMapinvasives account a week before the event.

-To “sign up” for an iMapinvasives account visit:
(confirm the user agreement in your email after signing up)

Thacher State Park: An Invasive Species Talk and Naturalist Walk with iMapinvasives Mobile App Training

Friday, June 10th 1-3:30
Thacher State Park Visitor Center
830 Thacher Park Rd, Voorheesville, NY 12186

Join the Capital Region PRISM, a Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management, and the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for a program on invasive species and their impact on our native plant communities. The first portion of the program will include a presentation on the negative effects that invasive species pose on our ecosystems. In addition, an overview of the iMap Invasives Mobile App for reporting will be demonstrated and then utilized during the naturalist walk.

After the presentation Sam Schultz the CR-PRISM Terrestrial Coordinator, and Becky Sibner, Forest Pest Specialist, from the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation from Parks will lead a short naturalist walk along the nature center trail to discuss plant communities and the threats invasive species pose on the park. During the woods walk, native and invasive species will be identified. The iMap Invasives mobile app will be used to report non-native species. The talk and walk are part of the New York State Invasive Species Awareness Week. The event is free and open to the public, please register in advance for this program. The program is limited to 18 participants.

To register for the in person event please click here or follow the url.

Please sign up for an iMap Invasive Account a week before the event.
-To “sign up” for an iMap Invasives account visit:
(confirm the user agreement in your email) then down load the app to your mobile devise.

Join the NYISAW Mapping Challenge!

During the 2022 New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, we are launching the first ever NYISAW Mapping Challenge! We challenge you to get out and map this week’s statewide priority species, spotted lanternfly, and the priority species for your PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management). The top reporters to iMapInvasives during NYISAW will win a prize!

Join our 7pm webinar to learn more about the challenge, how your records feed into statewide efforts, and how to identify spotted lanternfly, and the species selected by your PRISM! Presenters will include invasive species experts from the PRISMs.

Japanese Tree Lilac – APIPP (Adirondacks), Capital Region PRISM
Tree-of-heaven – SLELO, Western NY PRISM, Finger Lakes PRISM
Quagga Mussel – CRISP (Catskills)
Princess Tree – LIISMA (Long Island)
Beech Leaf Disease – Lower Hudson PRISM


Register at