Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Hike

Join us on Friday, June 7, 2024, at 4pm at Sweedler/Thayer Nature Preserve for Hike & Seek: Hunt for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. This family-friendly event combines a guided hike with an important mission to identify and document the invasive insect the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) threatening our hemlock trees – one of the most important tree species in our local forests. Enjoy the beautiful trails, learn about local ecology, and contribute to vital conservation efforts. Help us protect our forests!

PRISM Macrophyte Survey Program Training with Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association

Help safeguard our waters! Participate in our annual Macrophyte Survey Program and join Early Detection efforts for aquatic invasive species. Volunteers will learn how to perform rake toss surveys and identify macrophytes (aquatic plants) in their local water bodies. Participation is flexible, and every survey helps! Training and survey tools provided. See you on the water!
Registration: Register for the MSP here: https://forms.gle/9Z19SsWpiUHMCp27A
Contact: Amy Slentz aslentz@hws.edu

Trail Master Training

We are actively looking for volunteers to join the FL PRISM Trail Survey for 2023! Similar to our Macrophyte Survey, you can join the effort to fight our terrestrial invasive species by becoming a “Trail Master”. This hour long training will teach you how to identify common invasive plant species. As a Trail Master, you will then go out and survey a trail of your choosing for these species once a month. Help us find invasive species before they get out of control, be more active this summer, and help your environment.
Registration: (https://hws.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErc-yrqz4pHdNeDWTvatkSXUyKdSIH5Rht)
Contact: caceci@hws.edu

iMapInvasives Data Collection Training for Community Scientists

During this years New York Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW), learn how you can record and submit data to iMapInvasives, the official invasive species database of New York State. Training will include background of iMapInvasives, how to create an account, and how to submit invasive species data using the website or mobile app.

PRISM Macrophyte Survey Program Training—Virtual

Help safeguard our waters! Participate in our annual Macrophyte Survey Program and join Early Detection efforts for aquatic invasive species. Volunteers will learn how to perform rake toss surveys and identify macrophytes (aquatic plants) in their local water bodies. Participation is flexible, and every survey helps! Training and survey tools provided. See you on the water!
Register for the MSP here: https://forms.gle/9Z19SsWpiUHMCp27A
Contact: Amy Slentz aslentz@hws.edu

Invasive Plant ID and iMapInvasives Training

Learn how to identify some of western New York’s common and priority invasive plant species, how to report your observations and why doing so can help protect our natural areas. During the indoor portion, attendees will learn how to identify invasive plant species and how to use the iMapInvasives mobile app. During the outdoor portion, participants will practice identifying plants and submitting reports to iMapInvasives.

The objective of this training is to provide specific information to professionals, community scientists and the public so they can effectively identify and report invasive plant species in parks and other natural areas, or even in their own backyards. WNY PRISM’s Best Management Practices guides will also be available for attendees who are interested in learning how to manage specific species.

Registration is required by Thursday, May 30, 2024. Please register at https://bit.ly/2024invasiveplantID. This training will be limited to 40 participants. Attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather, wear sturdy footwear and bring water.

This free training is part of New York’s Invasive Species Awareness Week and is hosted by WNY PRISM in partnership with Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve and the Friends of Reinstein Woods.

Questions? Email WNY PRISM at wnyprism@buffalostate.edu.

Beech Leaf Disease and Spotted Lanternfly: How To ID and Report!

Beech leaf disease and Spotted lanternfly are two invasive species spreading rapidly across the eastern US coast and can have severe impacts on forest ecosystems, recreation, and agriculture as their populations expand. Join CRISP Terrestrial Invasive Species Manager Dan Snider-Nerp to learn how to survey and identify both forest pests, and how to report them to the state invasive species database iMapInvasives. The more data on these species in iMapInvasives, the more effective the treatment response can be, and the less impact these pests will have in our region.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PDzpWmwOTGG2RTv7-K5z1w

Identifying & Reporting Spotted Lanternfly and Tree-of-heaven with NY iMapInvasives

Learn how to survey for invasive spotted lanternfly (SLF), and it’s preferred host, tree-of-heaven (ToH) from experts at the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, and how to report your findings to New York’s official invasive species database.

New York is looking for people like you to join a collaborative network of volunteers and professional scientists monitoring the spread of this invasive insect, and reporting surveys in iMapInvasives. Visit www.nyimapinvasives.org/slf for more information.

Event link: https://meetny.webex.com/weblink/register/rad08ea844bb86aff4c636f325149919f

iMapInvasives App Training and Invasive Species Walk

iMapInvasives provides an online database and mapping system designed to enable rapid sharing and efficient management of invasive species data. Natural resource managers use iMapInvasives to track monitoring and treatment efforts and to stay informed of new invaders. This event will show participants how to use the iMapInvasives App to monitor invasive species and report their distributions to iMapInvasives. Participants will also do a short hike of the Owasco Flats Nature Reserve to identify existing invasive species and report them to the app.

Registration: Registration is required and class size is limited. Please email Michele Wunderlich at mwunderlich@cayugacounty.us to register and get pre-training homework and instructions.