NYIS.info Restructured

New York Sea Grant is proud to launch the newly restructured New York Invasive Species Information website.

Since day one, when NYIS.info was launched, this page has been all about you. This clearinghouse brings you all the top invasive species information and resources from around New York State. We have been very busy in the background making new updates to improve the quality of our site. We have streamlined sections of our website to better fit your needs. We have created a more responsive interface and faster loading times, making navigation a breeze. We encourage everyone to visit and explore the new site, discovering the new changes and the wide spectrum of resources, some of which you may have missed in the past. Our plan is to continue with momentum and update the look and feel, calendar, species profiles, and more, making sure that you get the most up-to-date information possible.

We are currently sorting through hundreds of pages of content and might not catch it all right away. Thank you to our users for providing us with the necessary feedback both before and during this process. If you come across a page that has an error/issue or pages that you can’t find, let us know!

Stay tuned, there’s more change to come!

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