Rock Snot, Didymo

Origin & Spread  |  Biology  |  Impacts  |  Detection  |  Prevention and Management


Didymo (Didymosphenia geminata), a globally invasive single-celled algae (diatom), is threatening the streams and rivers of New York State. Didymo secretes massive amounts of branching stalks, creating dense mats that cover the bottoms of streams and rivers. Nicknamed “rock snot” for its gooey appearance, didymo has been confirmed at eight locations in New York State since 2007.

A didymo bloom observed in the Batten Kill. – VT DEC

Origin & Spread

Historically, didymo was considered a widely distributed, yet uncommon, algal species native to the cool, running freshwaters of the northern hemisphere, including northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Records collected over the last 150 years indicate that didymo widely occurred across Europe, including the UK, Norway, and northwest Russia. Didymo diatoms have been reported in the western US for over 100 years, but not as nuisance blooms.

Yet, within the last two decades, didymo blooms have been reported with increasing frequency and intensity across the globe, particularly in locations where historical blooms have not been previously recorded. In North America, didymo blooms were first documented in the 1990s in rivers on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. In the last 20 years, bloom occurrences have spread east across North America and have become increasingly common in the northeastern US, particularly in streams and rivers frequented by anglers and other aquatic recreationists. In 2011, the species could be found in 18 US states and 3 Canadian provinces.

Density of Obeservations, Rock Snot.

Didymo has been confirmed in eight locations in New York State since 2007, including:

  • Batten Kill and one tributary (Washington County)
  • Kayderosserras Creek (Saratoga County)
  • East Branch Delaware River below Pepacton Reservoir (Delaware County)
  • West Branch Delaware River below Cannonsville Reservoir (Delaware County)
  • West Branch Delaware River below Delhi to Cannonsville Reservoir (Delaware County)
  • Mainstem Delaware River (Delaware and Sullivan Counties)
  • Mouth of Little Delaware River (Delaware County)
  • Esopus Creek downstream of the Shandaken Portal (Ulster County)

All of these confirmed sites are prime fishing access points where the species has been observed by numerous anglers; it is very possible that Didymo exists in other waterways where it has yet to be identified.

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Confirmed Didymo sites in New York State, 2010.

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Didymo bloom observed in Esopus Creek near Mt. Tremper, NY.  – David Richardson, SUNY New Paltz

Didymo was first detected in the southern hemisphere in New Zealand in 2004, and has continued to spread through numerous watersheds on the South Island (over 32). New Zealand’s didymo blooms have been particularly severe, with mats growing up to 8 inches thick and extending over 2.5 miles in length. Consequently, the government agency Biosecurity New Zealand has been a global leader in efforts to slow the spread and educate the public about didymo.

Didymo has rapidly spread through streams on New Zealand’s South Island. Didymo in stream on New Zealand’s South Island.  – New Zealand Fish and Game

In 2010, the first didymo blooms in South America were confirmed in several rivers flowing through Patagonia (Chile and Argentina). It was first detected there in the Futaleufú River, a site popular with kayakers from all over the world.

Humans are largely responsible for the recent and prolific spread of didymo beyond its historical range. The microscopic diatoms can cling to fishing gear, waders, boots, and boats, and are capable of surviving at least 40 days outside of a stream as long as they remain in a damp, cool environment.

Felt-soled wading boots are major vectors of didymo as the soles absorb cells like a sponge and provide a temporary habitat for the didymo cells until an angler visits a new site. As a result, natural resource agencies as well as fishing organizations and supply stores like Trout Unlimited and L.L. Bean have promoted non-felt wading boot alternatives. Furthermore, the states of Vermont, Maryland and Alaska have outlawed the use of felt-soled wading boots.

Felt-soled wading boots (commonly used by fly fishers) are known vectors of didym0. Felt-soled wading boots –


Didymo is a freshwater diatom, a type of single-celled algae that lives attached to rocks and other substrates on the bottom of streams. Under certain conditions, didymo will secrete thick, branching stalks (composed of polysaccharides and protein) outside its cells that form dense tangled mats. The resulting didymo blooms can completely dominate streambeds, capable of lasting several months, with mats greater than 8 in thick and over 0.5 mi long. Unfortunately, the triggers of excessive stalk formation – possibly genetic and/or environmental – are unknown and the subject of current scientific research.

Didymo is a large freshwater diatom that can secrete thick, branching stalks. Close up of Didymo stalks – Sarah Spaulding, USGS


Thick didymo mats resemble fiber-glass insulation or wet toilet paper, inspiring its nickname, “rock snot.” It is generally light tan to brown in color (not green), with stalks sometimes forming long white strands. Clumps of didymo are not slimy, resemble wet wool, and are tough to pull apart.


Didymo blooms exhibit a dense woolly appearance, with stalks often forming long white tails that resemble wet toilet paper. South Dakota Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources

In contrast to other types of freshwater algae that form nuisance blooms, didymo blooms first appeared in streams with relatively high water quality (clear, cold, low nutrients, stable flow). Often blooms occurred immediately downstream of impoundments, where flows were generally stable, regulated, and nutrient poor. More recently, as its range has expanded, didymo has been recorded in warmer, more nutrient-enriched waters, not associated with dams.



Didymo can alter the diversity and distribution of native stream species and may have negative consequences on how stream ecosystems function.

The extensive stalks produced by didymo cells persist in invaded streams longer than the diatoms themselves and are resistant to degradation; reports from Colorado indicate thick mats of didymo stalks can persist up to 2 months after peak growth. These mats may trap stream sediments, changing the physical nature of the stream bottom and affecting the ability of native stream algae to colonize.

By covering and dominating the substrate, didymo may alter habitat and available food resources for bottom-dwelling stream invertebrates. Recent studies in New Zealand and North America have reported shifts in the invertebrate community as a result of didymo invasion. The proportion of larger sized, environmentally sensitive insect groups like mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera; known collectively as EPT taxa) tend to decline in didymo infested waters while the proportion of smaller invertebrates, particularly midge larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae), worms (Oligochaeta, Nematoda), and crustaceans (Cladocera), increases. In most cases, the total number of invertebrates actually increases with didymo invasion, possibly as a result of the new habitat or additional food resources provided by the dense didymo stalks.

Shifts in the abundance and diversity of invertebrates as a result of didymo invasion could potentially affect the fish that feed on them. Declines in mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies could threaten trout populations. Furthermore, didymo blooms covering large stretches of the stream bottom could alter stream habitat that is important for fish feeding and spawning. Research on the effects of didymo on native and sport fisheries is still underway. To date, research in North America and New Zealand has been inconclusive, with some studies suggesting no impact of didymo on fish growth and productivity, while others have observed native fish population decline in didymo-invaded waters.

Didymo invasions, although unsightly, do not produce an odor or threaten human health. Infestations do have significant negative impacts on all water-associated recreational activities, particularly sport-fishing. Floating didymo stalks tangle up lines, flies and lures. Additionally, didymo blooms have blocked water intake pipes and canals. Consequently, didymo remains a serious economic concern for fisheries, tourism, irrigation, and hydropower.



Didymo can exist both as a single cell without stalks or as a colony of cells with branching, mat-forming stalks. Unfortunately, invasions are not usually detected until dense didymo mats occur. Researchers who have intensively sampled stream algae by scraping rocks and filtering water from streams with no previous history of didymo blooms have identified single didymo cells when examining those samples under the microscope. Yet, this type of work is extremely time and labor-intensive as didymo cells can be quite rare. Research is now ongoing to develop DNA-based tests for detecting didymo in streams, even at very low concentrations.


Prevention and Management

Currently, there are no methods available for controlling or eradicating didymo once it has infested a water body. Research in New Zealand is underway to identify and evaluate the safety and effectiveness several didymo-killing chemicals.

Spread prevention is, therefore, the only method we have for protecting our streams and rivers from didymo invasion. Water recreationists must take great care to inspect, clean, and dry all equipment, especially waders and boots when leaving an infested stream or river.

Inspect: Look for and remove all clumps of algae and discard in designated invasive species disposal stations or upland.

Clean: Clean and disinfect any equipment that has come in contact with the water, whether you observe a didymo bloom or not as other aquatic invasive species and diseases may hitchhike on your equipment. Waders and gear should be soaked and/or scrubbed with a 2-percent solution of household bleach or a 5-percent solution of detergent and very hot tap water (> 115°F); ‘eco-friendly’ detergents are not recommended. Absorbent materials (e.g., felt soles, foam) will require prolonged soaking to kill didymo cells (> 30 minutes). Gear could also be placed in a freezer until all of the moisture is frozen solid (note: freezing may damage some gear and will only kill didymo, not necessarily invasive fish diseases).

Dry: Drying will kill didymo, but this method alone is not recommended for absorbent materials because didymo can survive in slightly moist environments for an extended period of time.

If cleaning, fully drying, or freezing is not practical, restrict equipment use to a single water body. One didymo cell transported on gear could result in an invasive didymo bloom – thus, precautionary action is essential!


Photo and Map Credits

Didymo bloom observed in the Batten Kill. – VT DEC

North American distribution of didymo 21 July 2008. National Invasive Species Information Center. Modified from map created by Karl Hermann, Sarah Spaulding, and Tera Keller. For original image click here

Didymo bloom observed in Esopus Creek near Mt. Tremper, NY. – David Richardson, SUNY New Paltz

Didymo in stream on New Zealand’s South Island.  – New Zealand Fish and Game

Felt-soled wading boots –

Close up of Didymo stalks – Sarah Spaulding, USGS

Didymo blooms showing dense woolly appearance – South Dakota Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources

Zebra and Quagga Mussel

Ecosystem impacts | Physical Impacts | Quagga Mussels | New York Distribution Map

Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha)

This clam-like bivalve mollusk, commonly called the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, is a native of the Ponto-Caspian region of Eastern Europe and western Asia—the Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas, and the Ural River drainage. It was introduced into several European freshwater ports during the late 1700s; within 150 years Dreissena was found throughout European inland waterways. Dreissena was first found in the Great Lakes in Lake St. Clair in 1988, where it is believed to have been introduced as the result of the discharge of freshwater international shipping ballast water.

Map of Zebra and Quagga Mussel Distribution, 2008
Mussel grouping. Scott Camazine, New York Sea Grant

While there is still some disagreement as to whether the zebra mussel was introduced in a single location or whether the North American population is the result of multiple introductions in various locations over a number of years, what is certain is that once established in the Great Lakes, the zebra mussel spread rapidly across the eastern half of the continent, reaching 23 states and two provinces in only 15 years. Once established in the lakes, the mussel spread via intra- and interbasin ballast water movement; attachment to commercial ship and recreational boat hulls and boat trailers; movement of construction equipment; larvae carried by currents, in bait buckets and in recreational boat live wells; commercial bait and aquaculture shipments; and, natural movement in lake and river currents and flows. Zebra mussels have now crossed the 100th Meridian and are now found in 25 states nationwide.


Zebra Mussel
Zebra Mussels.

Ecosystem Impacts

Zebra mussels are small (generally under 5 cm), with elongated shells typically marked by alternating light and dark bands. Eggs (as many as one million per season per female) are fertilized outside the body in the spring or summer. Larvae (veligers) are free-swimming for up to 30 days, being dispersed by currents. Juvenile mussels settle to the bottom and attach to suitable hard substratum (rock, wood, shells of native mussels, and human-made surfaces such as concrete, steel, fiberglass, etc.) by secreting durable elastic strands called byssal threads; if no hard substrate is available, zebra mussels will also attach to vegetation. The mussels are generally found within 2 to 7 meters of the water surface but have been found as deep as 50 meters. Zebra mussels will colonize lakeshores and riverbanks where they attach to rock or gravel substrates, forming broad mats up to 10 to 15 cm in thickness. Colony densities may reach 20,000 per square meter. Extensive colonization of shoal areas could impair reproduction of species of fish (such as walleye and lake trout) that spawn only on rocky-bottomed areas.

Zebra mussels are filter feeders, capable of filtering up to two liters of water per day per adult, feeding on phytoplankton, small zooplankton, detritus, and even bacteria down to approximately the one-micron size range. Such filtration can dramatically increase water clarity and significantly reduce lake productivity, changing aquatic plant and animal habitat value. It has been estimated that the zebra mussel population of the western basin of Lake Erie has the capability of filtering the entire volume of the basin daily. Since phytoplankton and detritus are major food sources for pelagic lake and riverine food webs, fisheries-related impacts can result from zebra mussel filtration activity. Excessive removal of phytoplankton, detritus and small zooplankton from the water column can result in a decline in zooplankton species that feed upon those food particles. Larger zooplankton species and larval fish of all species preying on smaller zooplankton face reduced survival as mussel populations expand. Changes in water transparency can favor a shift towards increased production of benthic algae.

Physical Impacts

Because of an affinity for water currents, zebra mussels extensively colonize water pipelines and canals, such as those in drinking water treatment plants, industrial facilities and electric power generation plants. Once inside an intake, the mussels are protected from predation and the ravages of the weather, resulting in very large densities of mussels (one Great Lakes power plant canal had up to 750,000 mussels per square meter). Such mussel growth can severely reduce water flow, result in a loss of intake head, obstruct valves, clog condensers and heat enchangers, result in noxious tastes and smells in treated water, produce nuisance methane gas, and increase electro-corrosion of steel and cast iron pipelines. Zebra mussels attached to a commercial or recreational vessel’s hull increase drag and fuel consumption. Recreational use of beaches is impacted by colonization of cobble in nearshore areas and by littering of beaches by shells washed up by storm waves. Bathers on Great Lakes beaches have adopted the use of beach/bathing footgear to prevent cuts from zebra mussel shells. It has been estimated that since their introduction into North America, zebra mussels have caused $1 billion to $1.5 billion worth of economic harm.

Zebra Mussels in pipe
Clogged pipe. Photo: Don Schloesser, USGS, Biological Resources Division

Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis)

Originally thought to be a variant of the zebra mussel (D. polymorpha, see species profile, above), the quagga mussel (nicknamed after a now-extinct zebra-like quadruped), is now known to be genetically a separate, distinct species. For the general description of introduction, range expansion, and ecological and physical impacts, see the discussion in the profile of D. polymorpha. Zebra mussels possess a distinctly flattened ventral (hinge) surface as compared to the same side on quagga mussels, which presents a smoothly rounded surface. A simple field test to distinguish the two as large adult specimens is that a zebra mussel will usually sit upright on its ventral side, whereas a quagga mussel will tip over. On smaller mussels, with shells that have not finished forming, this is not a definitive test. A second test is that the valves (shell halves) on zebra mussels are symmetrical with the two valves meetings along a straight line, whereas on quagga mussels they are asymmetrical, with the two valves meeting along a curved line.

Zebra and Quagga Mussels
Shell shape comparison of zebra mussel (D. polymorpha) on left and quagga mussel (D. bugensis) on right. USGS

Quagga mussels have been found to be able to survive and colonize in areas of soft substrate, such as sandy or silty lake bottoms, whereas zebra mussels that settle onto such bottoms usually do not survive. D. polymorpha is more tolerant of warm temperatures than is D. bugensis, capable of sustaining water temperatures of 30°C for extended periods of time and up to 39°C for several hours, while D. bugensis has an upper thermal tolerance limit of approximately 25°C. D. bugensis appears more efficient at growing under lower water temperatures than D. polymorpha. Quagga mussels can filter and incorporate food down to the sub-micron level, thereby including bacteria too small for zebra mussels or native clams and mussels to consume, giving the quaggas a competitive advantage over zebra mussels and native species when levels of larger plankton are too low to sustain large populations. There are no apparent salinity tolerance differences between the two species, each having chronic salinity tolerance levels of approximately 2 parts per thousand, allowing some, but not much, range expansion into tidal estuaries.

A marked distribution replacement of D. polymorpha by D. bugensis is taking place in the Great Lakes; since the mid-1990s, D. bugensis has almost totally replaced D. polymorpha in Lakes Erie and Ontario, to the extent that the original zebra mussels are now very rare in most of eastern Lake Erie and throughout Lake Ontario. It is theorized that this might be due do the quagga mussel’s ability to colonize softer substrates than zebra mussels, to the quagga’s ability to grow more efficiently in colder water temperatures than zebra mussels, particularly in deeper waters, and to the quagga’s more efficient feeding capability.

New York Distribution Map: Zebra Mussel

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

New York Distribution Map: Quagga Mussel

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

Spiny Waterflea

Background | Biology & Impacts | New York Distribution Map


This predatory cladoceran zooplanktor, commonly known as the spiny waterflea (Bythotrephes longimanus; formerly identified as Bythotrephes cederstroemi), is a crustacean, a relative of crayfish and shrimp. A native of the Ponto-Caspian region of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, Bythotrephes was first found in North America in December 1984 in Lake Huron. Spread through the Great Lakes was rapid, with the species being found in Lake Ontario in September 1985, Lake Erie in October 1985, Lake Michigan in September 1986, and Lake Superior in August 1987.This species is believed to be an international shipping ballast water introduction. Its rapid spread throughout the lakes most likely is the result of currents, inter- and intra-lake ballast transfers, and recreational boating on the lakes.


Biology & Impacts

Bythotrephes is planktivorous, consuming up to 20 prey zooplanktors per day. One major target species of Bythotrephes is Daphnia (another small water flea). Research has shown that a dramatic decrease in Daphnia abundance coincided with the introduction of Bythotrephes in Lake Michigan. Density of a native predatory zooplanktor, Leptodora, also dropped off coincident with the appearance of Bythotrephes, possibly because Bythotrephes was outcompeting it for Daphnia. It has been theorized that declines in the abundance of Daphnia and other Bythotrephes prey may alter the food web in the Great Lakes, reducing the number of young plankton-eating fish which survive their first year. Researchers have observed that chinook salmon, walleye, white bass, alewife, yellow and white perch, emerald and spottail shiner, and lake whitefish consume Bythotrephes. It is not known, however, how nutritional this water flea is for fish, given the amount of its mass made up by exoskeleton and the long tail spine. It is too soon to know the ultimate impact of Bythotrephes on Great Lakes ecosystems. If the water flea is found to be a preferred (and nutritious) food source for perch and other fishes, its impact on fish populations may be beneficial. If predation by Bythotrephes results in reduced populations of preferred prey, such as Daphnia, the water flea may result in negative consequences to native Great Lakes fish populations. Is has been theorized that the decline of alewife in Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Michigan may be related to the introduction of Bythotrephes.

New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

Sea Lamprey

Biology | Life cycle | Impacts | Control | New York Distribution Map


Adult sea lamprey
Adult sea lamprey

The sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) is one of four lamprey species found in the Lake Champlain Basin. Lamprey are eel-shaped fish with a skeleton made of cartilage and they belong to a relic (primitive) group of jawless fishes called Agnathans. The sea lamprey has smooth, scaleless skin and two fins on its back (dorsal fins). The sea lamprey is parasitic; it feeds on other fish, using a suction disk mouth filled with small sharp, rasping teeth and a file-like tongue. These are used by the sea lamprey to attach to a fish, puncture its skin, and drain its body fluids.

Life cycle

Sea lamprey have a complex life cycle. The first four years of their life are spent as ammocoetes [am-mah-seats] – a blind worm-like larval stage – in the soft bottom and banks of waters that flow into Lake Champlain. They then transform into the parasitic adult stage and enter the lake to feed on landlocked Atlantic salmon (salmon), lake trout and many other fish species; which they prefer due to their small scales and thin skin. After twelve (12) to twenty (20) months in the lake the adults migrate back into the streams flowing into the lake to spawn, after which the adults die.

Lampreys in Lake Champlain

Moderate numbers of sea lampreys were first noted in Lake Champlain in 1929. The sea lamprey has been considered a non-native invasive species that entered Lake Champlain during the 1800s through the Hudson/Champlain Canal. Recent genetic studies indicate that the sea lamprey may be native to Lake Champlain.

Three other lamprey species are found in the Lake Champlain Basin. Two species are non-parasitic, and while the third species is parasitic, it does not have a significant impact on the Lake Champlain fish community.

Whether the sea lamprey is native to Lake Champlain or not, it is having detrimental impacts on the Lake Champlain fisheries, ecosystem, and human residents that are very significant.


Sea lamprey have a major detrimental impact on the Lake Champlain fish community, the Lake Champlain Basin ecosystem, the anglers that fish Lake Champlain, and the many people throughout the watershed whose livelihood is directly or indirectly supported by the fishing and tourist industry.

Lake trout with sea lamprey attached.
Lake trout with sea lamprey attached.

Adult sea lamprey attach to a host fish, rasp and puncture its skin, and drain its body fluids, often killing the host fish. Their preferred hosts are salmon, lake trout and other trout species, however they also feed on other fish species, including lake whitefish, walleye, northern pike, burbot, and lake sturgeon. The lake sturgeon is listed as a threatened species in New York and an endangered species in Vermont and it is likely that sea lamprey are affecting their survival.

Impacts on Host Fish

Most sea lamprey hosts are native fish species that have been part of the Lake Champlain Basin ecosystem for thousands of years. Additionally many of these fish species are important sportfish, highly prized and sought after by local and visiting anglers.

Prior to any control measures, angler catches of lake trout and salmon in Lake Champlain were a fraction of catches in similar lakes, despite intensive stocking efforts. High wounding rates indicated that sea lamprey were having a significant impact on the lake trout and salmon populations, and were preventing the restoration of these native fish species to Lake Champlain.

Fresh lamprey wound on a fish and the lamprey that was removed from the fish.
Fresh lamprey wound on a fish and the lamprey that was removed from the fish.

Studies on the Great Lakes show a 40 to 60 percent mortality rate for fish attacked by sea lamprey. Other studies found that a single sea lamprey can kill 40 or more pounds of fish during its adult life. The abundance of sea lamprey were obviously having significant impacts on Lake Champlain’s fishery and ecosystem.

Impacts on Local Economy

Poor fishing caused many anglers to seek fishing opportunities elsewhere. A study estimated that 29.4 million dollars in economic benefits to businesses and residents of the Lake Champlain Basin were lost due to the impacts of sea lamprey.


Liquid TFM applied to a stream during a lamprey control treatment.
Liquid TFM applied to a stream during a lamprey control treatment.

Due to the severity of the impacts that sea lamprey have on the Lake Champlain fishery and ecosystem, and the social and economic impacts on the people who live in the Lake Champlain Basin, it has been determined that sea lamprey populations should be controlled. The federal and state governments, the agencies that manage Lake Champlain, the various organizations that are concerned with Lake Champlain and the people that live in the Lake Champlain Basin generally agree that it would be irresponsible not to control the sea lamprey population.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service formed a cooperative and began an integrated control program to reduce the sea lamprey population in Lake Champlain to an acceptable level. The program is not attempting to eliminate the sea lamprey from Lake Champlain, but rather to reduce the impacts of sea lamprey on the lake’s fishery and restore balance to the ecosystem.

Control Efforts

Physical methods of control include the use of barriers to prevent adult sea lamprey from migrating up waterways to spawn and traps to capture adult sea lamprey before they can spawn.

Bayluscide being distributed from boat during a lamprey control treatment on a delta.
Bayluscide being distributed from boat during a lamprey control treatment on a delta.

However, the most significant and effective form of control has been the treatment of tributaries and deltas with lampricides – TFM in tributaries and Bayluscide on deltas. The lampricides target the larval sea lamprey, killing them before they can transform into their parasitic adult form.

It should be noted that after years of study in Lake Champlain, the Great Lakes, and other places where sea lamprey are controlled by using lampricides, fisheries managers have concluded that the lampricides have little or no known permanent effect on populations of non-target species present in the treatment areas.

Control Program

Evaluation of an eight year experimental sea lamprey control program that took place in Lake Champlain in the 1990s documented significant benefits for fish and anglers. These benefits included decreases in wounding rates on trout and salmon, increases in weight and survival rates of lake trout, increases in angler catch rates of lake trout and a benefit to cost ratio of 3.5 to 1.

At the end of the eight year experimental sea lamprey control program, a limited, three-year interim sea lamprey control program was undertaken from 1998 to 2000. After a thorough environmental review, a long term sea lamprey control program began in 2002.

Fish sampling programs, salmon returns to fish ladders, angler surveys and sampling of larval sea lamprey are used to measure the effectiveness of the control program. The control program may be expanded to other streams and delta areas if significant sea lamprey populations develop in them.


Fisheries staff wading through stream using an back electroshocker to locate larval lamrpey.
Fisheries staff wading through stream using an back electroshocker to locate larval lamrpey.

Assessments of sea lamprey populations are made before any control measures are undertaken and afterwards to assist in determining the effectiveness of the controls. Field staff, using a variety of capture methods, sample both adult and larval sea lamprey from streams and deltas to determine the presence and density of sea lamprey populations. This information is used to determine which streams or deltas are in need of control measures and which control measures to use.

Scientists and fish managers have considered, and continue to consider, other methods to reduce sea lamprey impacts. These include the use of pheromones (chemical attractants naturally produced by lamprey) to capture adult sea lamprey, the release of sterile males to disrupt spawning, and the stocking of lamprey-resistant strains of fish.

NYS DEC logo Vermont Fish and Wildlife logo US Fish & Wildlife Service logo

New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

Fishhook Water Flea

Background | New York Distribution Map


Cercopagis pengoi, known in North America as the “fishhook water flea,” is an aggressive, predatory zooplankton that preys on smaller zooplankton. It belongs to the same family as Bythotrephes (Cercopagididae), and, like Bythotrephes, has a long caudal process (“tail”) with up to three pairs of barbs near its end. Also like Bythotrephes, Cercopagis is a native of the Ponto-Caspian region of eastern Europe/western Asia (the area of the Caspian, Azov, and Aral seas). As with the spiny water flea, the fishhook water flea is believed to be an international shipping ballast water introduction.

Photo: Igor Grigorovich, University of Windsor

Since its first discovery in Lake Ontario in August 1998, copagis spread inland to six of New York’s Finger Lakes (Seneca, Cayuga, Otisco, Canandaigua, Owasco and Keuka) within a year, possibly on fishery sampling gear, in bait buckets, or on recreational angling equipment. In these inland lakes, Cercopagis now dominates the offshore zooplankton community during the summer and fall. This species has also been found in Grand Traverse Bay and southern Lake Michigan and in western Lake Erie and the Detroit River. It is expected to spread throughout the Great Lakes by means of currents, inter- and intra-lake ballast transfers and recreational boating and angling. The fishhook water flea, like the spiny water flea, fouls fishing lines, downs rigger cables and fish nets, in many cases to an extent that anglers have had to cut their lines and lose fish because of reel clogging. The species’ length, including body and spine, can exceed 1 cm.

The species has been observed at densities of 170 to 600 individuals per square meter. In addition to sexual reproduction, Cercopagis most commonly reproduce parthenogenically (asexually), which allows them to quickly establish new populations with a relatively small seed population without the need for a large number of the smaller males along with females. Eggs produced in the early part of the season are delicate and very susceptible to damage, with low recruitment rates. Later in the season, as surface water temperatures decline, Cercopagis females produce over-wintering or resting eggs (the species is also known to produce resting eggs anytime during the year when environmental conditions become inhospitable). Such resting eggs can successfully overwinter in an inactive state and replenish the population after hatching in the spring. Resting eggs are also resistant to desiccation, freeze-drying and ingestion by predators (such as other fish). They can be easily transported to other drainage basins by various vectors, particularly if they are still in the female’s body (the barbed caudal spine allows attachment to ropes, fishing lines, waterfowl feathers, aquatic gear, vegetation, and mud). Resting eggs can hatch regardless of whether the carrier female is alive or dead.

It is unknown what the future impacts of Cercopagis are going to be. It is possible that the high population densities of the species will create significant predation pressure on smaller cladocerans to impact the size and composition of native phytoplankton communities. Furthermore, Cercopagis may compete with native, young-of-the-year fish populations for small prey. It is also possible that the species may become prey itself for larger fish. It is not known, therefore, whether Cercopagis will ultimately be an energetic source or sink in the Great Lakes.

New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.



Chinese Mitten Crab

Background | Planned Response | How to Identify a Mitten Crab | What to do if you Find a Mitten Crab | New York Distribution Map

Christian Fischer [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], from Wikimedia Commons


The first Chinese mitten crab documented in Chesapeake Bay was collected June 9, 2006 at the mouth of the Patapsco River, Maryland by a commercial waterman fishing crab pots. This was the first confirmed report of a Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) in the Eastern United States. The species is native to East Asia, and is a potential invasive that could have negative ecological impacts. The Chinese mitten crab occurs in both freshwater and saltwater. It is catadromous, migrating from freshwater rivers and tributaries to reproduce in salt water. Young crabs spend 2-5 years in freshwater tributaries and can extend over 50 miles inland, potentially above fall lines. Mature male and female crabs migrate downstream to mate and spawn in salt water estuaries.

Under the Federal Lacey Act, importation and interstate transport of this animal is prohibited.

On June 23, 2007 a mature female mitten crab was captured in a commercial crab pot off Kent Point in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay. This was the fourth mitten crab captured in the Bay in 3 years, and the first mature female. As of that date, no mitten crabs had been confirmed in upstream, freshwater habitats where they spend the bulk of their lives, burrowing in tributary banks. In late May 2007, four mature male mitten crabs were captured in commercial crab pots in Delaware Bay, and one mature male was reported from a commercial crab pot in the Hudson River, New York. There are several possible transfer mechanisms that could result in the delivery of these crabs to local waters, without the species becoming established. However, due to the documented ability of this species to invade and to establish itself in new areas, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR), the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established a joint effort to investigate the status of this species.

Planned Response

MD DNR and partner agencies are taking these encounters seriously. This watch statement has been circulated to federal, state, county, municipal and private agencies and/or organizations that are conducting sampling programs in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and potential mitten crab habitat. MD DNR is also networking with commercial watermen, fish passage monitoring programs, and with power companies that monitor species captured on cooling water intake screens. This broad based monitoring is the first step to assessing if additional mitten crabs are present in the Bay habitat.

How to Identify a Mitten Crab

Chinese mitten crab. Note the notch between the eyes and four lateral spines on each side of the carapace. Source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    • Only crab in fresh waters of North America
    • Claws equal in size with white tips and “hair”.
    • If you find a crab without hair on the claws, it is NOT likely to be a mitten crab.
    • Carapace up to 4 inches wide; light brown to olive green in color.
    • No swimming legs. This crab has eight sharp-tipped walking legs.

Correctly Identifying Mitten Crabs

There is another species of crab found in Maryland, which has been mistakenly identified as a Mitten Crab.
Small mitten crabs may be confused with the Harris mud crab, because of their similar size and appearance


Harris Mud Crab Characteristics

  • no notch between the eyes
  • non-hairy, white-tipped claws
  • ridges on back
  • dull greenish-brown color
  • maximum carapace width is 19 mm (¾ inch)

Juvenile Mitten Crab Characteristics

  • notch between the eyes
  • claws may not be hairy if carapace width is less than 20 mm (¾ inch)
  • claws are hairy by 25 mm (1 inch) carapace width
  • four lateral carapace spines (fourth spine is small)
  • smooth, round carapace or body shape
  • legs over twice as long as the carapace width
  • light brown color

What to do if you Find a Mitten Crab

  • Do not throw it back alive!
  • Freeze the animal, keep on ice, or preserve it in rubbing alcohol, as a last resort.
  • Note the precise location where the animal was found.
  • If possible, take a close-up photo, as above.
  • Photos can be emailed to for preliminary identification. Please include your contact information with photo.
  • If you cannot take a photo, contact the Mitten Crab Hotline (443-482-2222). REMEMBER THE LAW!

Never transport a live Mitten crab except to deliver to proper authorities.

Mitten crab specimens are needed to confirm sightings, so please follow the instructions above, if you find a mitten crab.

To learn more about mitten crabs see:

With special thanks to our partners, USFW, NOAA, and SERC.

New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.


Water Chestnut

Origin & History  |  Identification & Biology  |  Ecologic Impacts  |  Economic Impacts  | Control & Management  | New York Distribution MapReferences


A Patch of floating water chestnut (Trapa natans) leaves.


If a shoreline property owner in New York or the Northeast complains to you about their water chestnut problem, don’t think they are talking about Chinese takeout. The European water chestnut (Trapa natans), an invasive aquatic plant released inadvertently into waters of the Northeast in the late 1800s, is slowly but inexorably spreading throughout New York State, clogging waterways, lakes and ponds and altering aquatic habitats.

It must be pointed out that this plant species is not the same as the water chestnut which can be purchased in cans at the supermarket. The fruits of T. natans, however, are used as a source of food in Asia and have been utilized for their medicinal (and claimed) magical properties.

T. natans is native to Europe, Asia and Africa. In its native habitat, the plant is kept in check by native insect parasites. These insects are not present in North America and the plant, once released into the wild, is free to reproduce rapidly. T. natans colonizes areas of freshwater lakes and ponds and slow-moving streams and rivers where it forms dense mats of floating vegetation, causing problems for boaters and swimmers and negatively impacting aquatic ecosystem functioning.

Common names: horned water chestnut, water caltrop


Introduction History and Distribution

T. natans is native to Western Europe and Africa and northeast Asia, including eastern Russia, China, and southeast Asia to Indonesia. T. natans was first introduced to North America in the mid- to late-1870s, when it is known to have been introduced into the Cambridge botanical garden at Harvard University around 1877. It is known to have been planted in other ponds in that area, as well, and also in Concord, MA, in a pond near the Sudbury River. The plant escaped cultivation and was found growing in the Charles River by 1879. The plant was introduced into Collins Lake near Scotia, NY (in the Hudson River-Mohawk River drainage basin) around 1884, possibly as an intentional introduction for waterfowl food or possibly as a water garden escapee.

By the early part of the 1900s, water chestnut was established in the Hudson River. The first Great Lakes Basin introductions were sometime before the late-1950s when the plant was discovered growing in Keuka Lake (one of NY’s Finger Lakes). A major infestation of more than 300 acres exists throughout some 55 miles of Lake Champlain between New York and Vermont. Water chestnut can now be found throughout NY, from the Niagara Frontier through the Finger Lakes, from Lake Champlain to Long Island.

The North American distribution of water chestnut now extends throughout New England, south as far as Virginia, California, and in the Canadian Province of Quebec in a tributary of the Richelieu River. The plant has the potential to spread into the warmer regions of the U.S. as far south as Florida.


North American Distribution of water chestnut as of September 2014.

Identification and Biology

T. natans is a rooted aquatic annual herb that dies back at the end of each growing season. Re-growth is by means of seeds that germinate in the spring. Each seed produces 10 to 15 stems with submerged and floating leaves, terminating in floating rosettes. The feathery submersed leaves can be up to six inches (15 cm) long, and are alternate on the stem forming whorls around the stem. The three-quarter to one and a half inch (2 – 4 cm) glossy green floating leaves are triangular with toothed edges and form rosettes around the end of the stem. The floating leaves also have prominent veins and short, stiff hairs on their lower surface. The petioles (the stalks attaching the leaf blade to the stem; the transition between the stem and the leaf blade) of the floating leaves are two to eight feet (0.6 – 2.4 m) and contain spongy, buoyant bladders, allowing the rosettes to float on the surface of the water. Stems can reach lengths of up to 16 feet (4.9 m), although typical lengths tend to be in the six to eight foot (1.8 – 2.4 m) range. The stems are anchored to the bed of the waterbody by numerous branched roots. Single small, white flowers with four one-third inch (8.3 mm) long petals sprout in the center of the rosette.

Trapa rosette showing nuts and inflated leaf petioles

Each rosette is capable of producing up to 20 hard, nut-like fruits. Water chestnut starts to produce fruits in July; the fruits, which ripen in about a month, each contain a single seed. The 1 to 1.5 inch (2.5 – 4 cm) wide fruits grow under water and have four very sharp spines. Water chestnut seeds generally fall almost directly beneath their parent plants and serve to propagate the parent colony. Population overwintering is accomplished through mature, greenish brown nuts sinking to the bottom where they can remain viable in the sediment for up to 12 years.  Some seeds, however, or plant parts (floating rosettes) that still contain nuts, may be moved downstream in currents. Ducks, geese and other waterfowl may also play a role in the nuts’ dispersal (the spiny nuts have been observed tangled in the feathers of Canada geese). Old nuts, black in color, will float, and are not viable. When deposited in shallow water or on the shore, water chestnut nuts can lead to injuries if stepped on. 

Ecological Impacts

Water chestnut has become a significant environmental nuisance throughout much of its range, particularly in the Hudson, Connecticut and Potomac Rivers, and in Lake Champlain. The plant can form nearly impenetrable floating mats of vegetation. These mats create a hazard for boaters and other water recreators. The density of the mats can severely limit light penetration into the water and reduce or eliminate the growth of native aquatic plants beneath the canopy. The reduced plant growth combined with the decomposition of the water chestnut plants which die back each year can result in reduced levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, impact other aquatic organisms, and potentially lead to fish kills. The rapid and abundant growth of water chestnut can also out-compete both submerged and emergent native aquatic vegetation.

Water chestnut infestation on Lake Champlain
A massive riverine infestation of water chestnut.

Water chestnut has little nutritional or habitat value to fish or waterfowl and can have a significant impact on the use of an infested area by native species.

T. natans likely impacts non-native and invasive plant and animal species in the same manner it impacts natives. Some of the potentially impacted invasive plant species might include: Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum), curly pondweed (Potamogeton crispus), and Eurasian or brittle water-nymph (Najas minor). It is not yet known in a match up of T. natans or and hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata, which invader would outcompete which. Because of its invasiveness and severity of its impacts, T. natans has been listed in federal regulations prohibiting interstate sale/transportation of noxious plants.


Economic Impacts

Economic impacts result from T. natan’s impenetrable mats of vegetation which can impede swimming, boating, commercial navigation, fishing, and waterfowl hunting. Untreated populations of such an aquatic invasive species also can result in losses to shoreline property values and, as a result, to local government property tax revenues. As mentioned earlier, the sharp, spiny nuts can result in puncture injuries to swimmers and recreators walking along the shore of infested areas and can injure the feet of livestock and horses, as well.

One example of the cost of managing T. natans in a waterbody is the experience of the States of New York and Vermont on Lake Champlain. From 1982 through 2011, $9,600,000 has been spent on Trapa control in the lake with funding from a number of sources including: the two states; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the U.S. Department of Agriculture; Ducks Unlimited; the Lake Champlain Basin Program; and The Nature Conservancy. A combination of hand pulling and mechanical harvesting has been used on the lake since the early-1980s. Significant reductions of T. natans populations resulted from this prolonged annual control effort, however, every time that funds were reduced, rapid grow back of the species and extension of its range in the lake was observed.

Lake Champlain, NY, water chestnut relative annual control costs, 1982 – 2011



Mechanical and Chemical Control

Mechanical Harvester

It is much easier and less expensive to control newly introduced populations of T. natans. Early detection of introductions and a rapid control response are key to preventing high-impact infestations. Because T. natans is an annual plant, effective control can be achieved if seed formation is prevented. Small populations can be controlled by hand pulling working from canoes or kayaks.

Large infestations usually require the use of mechanical harvesters or the application of aquatic herbicides. Regardless of treatment type, it should ideally take place before the fruit has ripened and dropped to the bottom forming a long-term seed bank. Because of the potential of unintentional spread of floating plant parts offsite, mechanical harvesting should be undertaken only by trained and certified equipment operators. Since water chestnut overwinters entirely by seeds that may remain viable in the sediment for up to 12 years, repeated annual control is critical to deplete the seed bank. Treatment generally is needed for five to twelve years to ensure complete eradication and can be very expensive (see Economic Impact, above).

Potential negative impacts to non-target species and public perceptions regarding the use of chemicals in recreational waters have limited chemical control of T. natans except as a treatment of last resort and usually only in still or sluggishly flowing waters. The herbicide 2,4-D has been tested and shown to be non-adverse on non-target species. 2,4-D has been used widely in the U.S. Another herbicide that is effective on T. natans is glyphosate. Application of aquatic herbicides requires both a licensed pesticide applicator and a permit from your state environmental regulatory agency.


Biological Control

The unfortunate fact is that for large infestations of water chestnut (i.e. those too large to be controlled by hand-pulling) over the long-term mechanical and chemical control measures have proven to be impractical to provide an economically sustainable control of water chestnut. Scientists have now turned to the potential of biocontrol agents to serve as a long-term solution to water chestnut infestations.

A number of potential biological control agents were found in field surveys in the native European and Asian ranges of water chestnut. The most promising biocontrol species appeared to be the leaf beetle Galerucella birmanica. Unfortunately, field observations in China suggested that G. birmanica may also attack native water shield (Brasenia schreberi) in addition to Trapa natans. This host non-specificity could be problematic to the use of the beetle for biocontrol in North America.

Laboratory and field tests initially indicated that out of 19 different plant species in 13 different families, G. birmanica laid eggs and completed development only on species of Trapa and B. schreberi. Adult G. birmanica in the field and lab indicated that the beetles showed a strong preference for T. natans. This preference continued even after the water chestnut was completely defoliated; adults resisted migrating to nearby water shield. While this is very promising news, additional studies on host specificity with additional North American aquatic plants are on-going. [Ding, et. al., 2006]


New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.


Blossey B, Schroeder D, Hight S, Malecki R. 1994. Host specificity and environmental impact of two leaf beetles (Galerucella calmariensis and G. pusilla) for biological control of water chestnut (Trapa natans). Weed Science 42:134-140.

Deck J, Nosko P. 2002. Population establishment, dispersal, and impact of Galerucella pusilla and G. calmariensis, introduced to control water chestnut in central Ontario. Biological Control 23: 228-236.

Ding J, Blossey B, Du Y,  Zheng F. 2006. Galerucella birmanica (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a promising potential biological control agent of water chestnut, Trapa natans. Biological Control. Vol.36, Issue 1, Pages 80–90

Fernald ML. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany. 8th ed. American Book Company, N.Y.

Gleason HA. 1957. The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern U.S. and Adjacent Canada. New York Botanical Gardens, N.Y.

Methe BA, Soracco RJ, Madsen JD, Boylen CW. 1993. Seed production and growth of water chestnut as influenced by cutting. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 31: 154-157.

Mills EL, Leach JH, Carlton JT, Secor CL. 1993. Exotic species in the Great Lakes: A history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions. Journal of Great Lakes Research 19: 1-54.

Mullin BH. 1998. The biology and management of water chestnut (Trapa natans L.). Weed Technology 12:397-401.

Pemberton RW. 2002. Water Chestnut. In: Van Driesche R., et al. 2002. Biological Control of Invasive Plants in the Eastern United States. USDA Forest Service Publication FHTET-2002-04.

Rawinski T. 1982. The ecology and management of water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) in central New York. M.S. thesis, Cornell University.

Vermont Invasive Exotic Plant Fact Sheet Series: Water Chestnut. Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and The Nature Conservancy, Vermont Chapter. June, 1998.

Hunt T, Marangelo P. 2012. 2011 Water Chestnut Management Program: Lake Champlain and Inland Vermont Waters, Final Report. Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. May 2012.


Photo Credits

Patch of floating water chestnut (Trapa natans) leaves. John M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy,

NYS Distribution of water chestnut as of January 2014. © 2014  The Nature Conservancy. Accessed January 2014

North American distribution of water chestnut as of September 2014. Plants Database. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

Drawing of floating and submerged leaves and fruit (nut). Connecticut River Coordinator’s Office, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Hand holding water chestnut rosette. Alfred Cofrancesco, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

Water chestnut infestation on Lake Champlain. Alfred Cofrancesco, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,

Riverine infestation of water chestnut. Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut,

Chart of Lake George, NY, water chestnut annual control costs, 1982 – 2011. Data from Hunt T, Marangelo P. 2012.

Water chestnut harvesting machine. US Fish & Wildlife Service, Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge

Eurasian Watermilfoil

Damage  |  Taxonomy  |  Biology  |  Geographic Distribution  |  Mechanical Control  |  Chemical Control  |  Biological Control | New York Distribution Map


Figure 1. Eurasian watermilfoil. (Photo:Barry Rice,,

Eurasian watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum L., (Fig. 1) is a submersed aquatic plant that has become a major aquatic invader across much of North America. Plants are rooted at the lake bottom and grow rapidly creating dense beds and canopies (Fig. 2). Milfoil typically grows in water 1 to 4 meters (3.2 to 13 feet) deep, but has been found in water as deep as 10 m (32.8 ft). Stem densities can exceed 300/m2 (359/yd2) in shallow water. Conventional control efforts such as mechanical harvesting have been unsuccessful in providing more than short-term relief. The use of herbicides have been found to suppress regrowth for six weeks to a year but have considerable negative effects on non-target organisms (e.g., mortality of native macrophytes, fish kills, increased algal growth, and contamination of public water supplies). Mechanical harvesting can result in short term localized population reductions but these methods are labor intensive and costly; continued relief must be supported by long-term mechanical intervention. Further, since harvesting inevitably results in the release of milfoil fragments, the harvesting process itself may be responsible for spreading the plant to uninfested areas.

Dense Myriophyllum spicatum canopy at lake surface
Figure 2. Dense Myriophyllum spicatum canopy on Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, NY. (Photo: Robert L. Johnson,

Nature of Damage

Ecologic damage. Introduction of Eurasian watermilfoil can result in native macrophyte diversity and abundance declines. Eurasian watermilfoil beds form dense canopies at the water surface thereby reducing light penetration early in the season before native macrophytes have reached their full growth, shading them out and slowing/reducing growth potential. Eurasian watermilfoil beds, as a result of the reduction in native plants, have been found to contain significantly fewer macroinvertebrates (including benthic invertebrates) and a concomitantly lower abundance of native fish species. Milfoil-infested lakes tend to have reduced fish spawning areas and lowered fish growth rates. Native waterfowl in the Great Lakes have been found to avoid foraging for food in beds of Eurasian watermilfoil.

Economic damage. The negative impacts on wildlife and fish populations in waterbodies with high densities of Eurasian watermilfoil and the difficulty of motorboating and swimming in infested areas  result in recreation-oriented financial losses and the depreciation of shoreline property values (accompanied by a loss of real estate taxes to local economies). It is estimated that milfoil control efforts have cost the United States millions of dollars per year nationwide. Annual control costs in New York state easily exceed half a million dollars per year.


Eurasian watermilfoil belongs to the watermilfoil family, Haloragaceae, which has two genera in the eastern United States, Myriophyllum L. (10 species, the watermilfoils) and Proserpinaca L. (two species, the so-called mermaid-weeds). All species are submersed herbs inhabiting quiet waters or rooted on muddy shores; all have many finely divided leaves. The species are very similar, resulting in difficulty in identification using only individual specimens or ones without flowers. This has lead to a debate about whether reports of infestations prior to 1940 are actually misidentifications of native species. Myriophyllum spicatum is variable in appearance with long stems, and 12 to 21 leaflet pairs which are limp when out of water. Native M. sibiricum has 5 to 10 leaflet pairs which remain rigid when out of the water. Flowers are arranged on emersed spikes which bear whorls of female flowers basally and whorls of male flowers apically. Female flowers produce four small (2 to 3 mm, 0.08 to 0.16 inch) nutlike fruits .


Eurasian watermilfoil inhabits ponds and lakes that vary from deep (greater than 100 m, 328 feet) to very shallow (less than a meter, or yard). Waters inhabited may be stagnant, slow-moving fresh, or even slightly brackish. Plants overwinter rooted in the sediment and grow rapidly once favorable warm temperatures are reached in the spring. Because the species tolerates lower water temperatures than most native plants it begins to photosynthesize and grow earlier in the spring than natives, giving the plant the ability to reach the water surface before native plants. The dense canopy over developing native vegetation allows milfoil to out-compete natives for sunlight and space. Flowering typically takes place in early summer and can continue for several months. Although Eurasian watermilfoil produces seed, fragmentation is believed to be the most likely mode of spread in North America. Under unfavorable conditions (high boating traffic, grazing by herbivores or parasites), milfoil may not reach the water surface and won’t flower. M. spicatum has been found to hybridize with native M. sibiricum (producing M. sibricum X spicatum) with an intermediate number of leaf segments. The hybrid plant tends to be more aggressive than the invasive parent species.

Geographic Distribution

Myriophyllum spicatum is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It appears to have been accidentally introduced into North America sometime in the period between the late-1800s and 1940. From the initial points of introduction in the Northeast, M. spicatum has spread to 45 states and at least three Canadian provinces. It has now become a major nuisance species throughout most of the northern US. It is listed as a noxious or otherwise restricted plant in 17 states (in NYS Eurasian watermilfoil is classified as “prohibited”). Milfoil can be spread throughout a waterbody as fragments tangled on boats and trailers or in currents. Furthermore, motor boating and mechanical weed harvesting produce and distribute stem fragments allowing increased propagation. Long distance overland dispersal may be related to the aquarium and aquatic nursery trades.

Figure 3. 2015 U.S. distribution of Eurasian watermilfoil (Map: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service,



An important aspect of milfoil control is to minimize its spread. Because milfoil is spread overland mostly by human intervention (particularly as a hitchhiker on recreational boats, harvesters, and work barges/boats, it is critical to remove all plant fragments and rinse all equipment that has been in infested waters. The equipment should then be allowed to dry completely before being used in another body of water.

Mechanical Control

Mechanical harvesting of milfoil is used widely used throughout the Northeast and Midwest. Small populations of milfoil around docks, in swimming areas, or near water intakes can be carefully hand-pulled or raked. The best results are found when using multiple harvests per growing season. Care should be taken to prevent breaking off fragments that can float away to start new populations elsewhere.  Such localized control can also be undertaken by covering the bed of the waterbody with opaque fabric, thus blocking the light that the plants need to grow.

For use in large areas infested by milfoil, the use of large mechanical harvesters is an option. As in the case of hand-pulling, care should be taken to prevent the movement of fragments to uninfested areas; equipment should be thoroughly cleaned before being moved to other waterbodies. Harvested plant matter can be burned, buried, composted, or by disposed of in landfills.

Eurasian watermilfoil can be killed by dehydration. On managed waterbodies, manipulation of water levels through drawdowns exposing standing  biomass and root crown to several weeks of drying time (especially during sub-freezing temperatures).

Mechanical harvester for Eurasian watermilfoil control. Photo: Pelots Bay Association

Chemical Control

A number of chemicals impact the growth and survival of M. spicatum. Amine salts of Endothall (Hyrothol 191®), and Dipotassium Salts of Endothall (Aquathol K®), Diquat dibromide (Reward®), Komeen® have been found to be effective. Some of these herbicides may also affect other non-target rooted submerged plants, including some rushes. Treatment is most effective in still water in the spring while the plant is actively growing.

The amine formulations of 2,4-D granules (Navigate®, Aquakleen®, Aquacide®) are effective on controlling Eurasian watermilfoil and will not damage most non-target grasses. This herbicide method, however, is not appropriate for large unmanageable areas of milfoil.

One lose-dose application (10 µg/ L) of fluridone (brand names Sonar® and Avast!®) applied in the early stages of growth has the potential to provide season-long control of milfoil. However, this application rate causes collateral damage to native vegetation.

Liquid triclopyr (Renovate 3® and Renovate® OTF) can control milfoil without unintended damage to cattails and grasses.

Note: Always check state/provincial and local regulations for the most up-to-date information regarding permits for control methods. Follow all label instructions. Mention of chemicals, particularly the mention of brand names in this profile does not represent a recommendation by NY Sea Grant or Cornell University.

Biological Control

Since the early-1960s, the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella, has been used to reduce the abundance of invasive and nuisance aquatic plants, including Eurasian watermilfoil, in North America. Unfortunately, in many cases grass carp may only eat Eurasian watermilfoil after native plants have been consumed. Effective control of milfoil therefore means the total removal of native aquatic species the fish find more palatable before the grass carp will consume the targeted Eurasian watermilfoil. This may be acceptable if milfoil is the only aquatic plant species in the lake, but due to the substantial negative impacts on native vegetation, grass carp are generally not recommended for control of Eurasian watermilfoil.

For decades, research has evaluated potential insect and pathogen agents for the biological control of Eurasian watermilfoil. Several species of insects have been identified feeding on Eurasian watermilfoil to a damaging degree in North America. Some of these are species to North America while others may have been introduced accidentally from Europe along with introductions of M. spicatum.

The fungus Mycoleptodiscus terrestris has been shown in laboratory research to reduce the biomass of Eurasian watermilfoil significantly and may serve as a possible biocontrol agent.

The North American herbivorous weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontie, may be associated with recent natural declines in Eurasian milfoil abundance in some lakes in North America. E. lecontei feeds on new growth M. spicatum and may help keep populations under control without concomitant impact on native species. The native midge Cricoptopus myriophylli (Oliver) are also contenders for this recorded damage to milfoil beds.

As many as 20 species of insects appear to feed on M. spicatum on other continents but do not exhibit the host specificity that would be required to make them candidates for milfoil biocontrol.

Among insect species being studied are the North America native weevil Litodactylus leucogaster (Marsham), which attacks the emersed flower spikes of various milfoil species (including non-target species), and the aquatic midge Cricotopus myriophylli (native from New York to British Columbia). While being implicated in the field for contributing to milfoil reduction in BC, the midge does not appear to contribute significantly to declines in lab experiments.

A promising candidate is the naturalized pyralid moth Acentria ephemerella. A. ephemerella is a generalist herbivore which feeds on a variety of aquatic plants. Field evidence indicates it has been associated with declines in Eurasian watermilfoil populations in Ontario, Canada and in New York. In laboratory and in controlled in lake-enclosure experiments, A. ephemerella reduced biomass and plant height and prevented canopy formation.

The North American herbivorous weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontie. (Photo: Robert L. Johnson, Cornell University,
The naturalized pyralid moth Acentria ephemerella (Photo: Robert L. Johnson, Cornell University,

New York Distribution Map

This map shows confirmed observations (green points) submitted to the NYS Invasive Species Database. Absence of data does not necessarily mean absence of the species at that site, but that it has not been reported there. For more information, please visit iMapInvasives.

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia

Prevention     Impacts     Federal Response    New York State Response

Viral hemorrhagic septicemia or VHS (Novirhabdovirus sp.) is a serious disease of fresh and saltwater fish, both in the wild and those raised for commercial aquaculture. VHS is caused by an aquatic rhabdovirus. The VHS virus is native to eastern and Western Europe (where it has affected cultured rainbow trout), the Pacific coast from California to Alaska (in Pacific herring and cod), and the Atlantic coast of North America (in Atlantic herring and Greenland halibut). The actual vector for the virus’s introduction into the Great Lakes is unknown. It is suspected that it may have been transported in ballast water or by migratory fishes from the Atlantic coast. It is possible that baitfish harvesting and movement, recreational boating and angling, as well as aquaculture activities are responsible for the spread of the virus since it arrived in the Great Lakes. Waterfowl may also play a role.

The virus is believed to have been present in Great Lakes muskellunge in Lake St. Clair since 2003. In 2005, several hundred tons of freshwater drum, muskellunge and round gobies died of VHS in Lake Ontario. Since that time, VHS-related fish kills of black crappie, bluegill, burbot, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, lake whitefish, muskellunge, northern pike, redhorse sucker, rock bass, round goby, smallmouth bass, white bass, yellow perch, and walleye have been confirmed in Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan and Ontario, and the Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers. Inland sightings of the virus in New York include Conesus and Skaneateles Lakes, the Seneca-Cayuga Canal, and a private pond in Ransomville (Niagara County).

2005-2007 VHS Mortality Events


In its most acute form, VHS can cause hemorrhaging in the eyes, skin, gills, fin bases, skeletal muscle and internal organs, leading to high mortality rates. Infected fish may become hyperactive and display such symptoms as swimming in circles or in a corkscrew pattern, sometimes accompanied by a twisting of their bodies. In its chronic form, the disease results in similar symptoms except that fluid accumulation in the organs replaces hemorrhaging and mortality rates are lower. There is no cure. Fish that survive infection with the VHS virus can carry the virus for the rest of their lives, often with no symptoms, spreading the disease and infecting additional fish. Not all infected fish show symptoms but may be carriers of the disease. VHS does not pose a threat to human health.

Almost 50 species of fish are known to be susceptible to VHS, including such commercially and recreationally important species as brook trout, Chinook salmon, lake trout, rainbow trout, walleye, smallmouth bass, northern pike, yellow perch, and muskellunge. The virus has also been found in bluntnose minnows, Chinook salmon and emerald shiners but has not resulted in die offs of those species. The ultimate potential impact of VHS on North American fisheries is still unknown, but there is the potential for significant fishery, angling, tourism, and economic consequences.

VHS-induced fishkill
VHS impact on native muskellunge

VHS can be spread from one waterbody to the next through a variety of means, not all of which are known at this time. One known vector is moving fish from one waterbody to another by importation, stocking, or bait fish transport. Other potential transmittal vectors are natural fish movements, recreational boating/angling, waterfowl, ballast water discharge, and lake resource sampling activities.



Anglers and boaters can reduce the likelihood of their spreading VHS from waterbody to waterbody by adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Do not transport fish of any type from one body of water to another. [Such transport is illegal without a DEC fish stocking permit]
  • Do not dispose of dead fish or fish parts in any body of water
  • Do not release any baitfish into any waterbody other than the one from which the bait was harvested. Commercially purchased bait should not be released into any waterbody
  • Remove all mud, aquatic plants and animals (such as snails, zebra mussels, etc.) from all fishing gear, boats, motors and trailers before leaving a waterbody
  • Drain live wells, bait tanks and bilge areas before leaving any waterbody. If the waterbody you are leaving is known to be infected with VHS you should disinfect live wells and bait wells with a 10% chlorine/water solution followed by a thorough rinse to remove any residual chlorine


Federal Response to VHS

In order to prevent or delay the spread of VHS to other states, APHIS (the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) prohibits the importation of certain species of live fish from the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec and interstate movement of the same species from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. (The Federal Order was issued on October 24, 2006.)

The species included in the federal prohibition are: black crappie, bluegill, bluntnose minnow, brown bullhead, brown trout, burbot, channel catfish, chinook salmon, emerald shiner, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, lake whitefish, largemouth bass, muskellunge, northern pike, pumpkinseed, rainbow trout, rock bass, round goby, silver redhorse, smallmouth bass, trout perch, walleye, white bass, white perch, and yellow perch. Additional information on the Federal Order can be found on the APHIS website at:

New York State Response to VHS

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation finalized fish health regulations to prevent the spread of VHS in the inland waters of the state. These regulations include such actions as prohibiting the transport of fish from one body of water to another and restricting the use of baitfish to the waterbody from which they were harvested unless certified as VHS free. These regulations, dated June 6, 2007, can be found at:

Photo and Graphic Credits

2005-2007 Mortality Events Map – Coastwatch, Michigan State University Sea Grant, 2009

Fish kill – US Fish & Wildlife Service

Muskellunge – Dr. Paul Bowser, Dept. Of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University


Asian Carp

Ecological Impacts & Risks     Economic Impacts     Prevention

Introduction and Spread

In North America, the term “Asian carp” typically refers to two species of invasive fish introduced from Asia: the bighead, or “bigheaded” carp (Hypopthalmichthys nobilis) and the silver carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix). These carp are native to China. They were originally imported into the southern United States in the 1970s to provide an inexpensive, fast-growing addition to fresh fish markets. They also served to help keep aquaculture facilities clean.  By 1980 the carp were found in natural waters in the Mississippi River Basin. As they have moved north through the Basin they have overwhelmed the Mississippi and Illinois River systems where Asian carp now make up more than 95% of the biomass in some areas. Silver carp can now be found in 12 states. Bighead and silver carp are currently in the Illinois River, which is connected to the Great Lakes via the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal.

Key bighead carp identification indicators (David Riecks, University of Illinois/Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant)


Key silver carp identification indicators (David Riecks, University of Illinois/Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant)

Two other species of carp imported to the United States from Asia can also become invasive in the wild, the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and the black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus). The herbivorous grass carp, indigenous to eastern Asia where it is cultivated for food, was introduced to the United States to control aquatic weeds in lakes and waterways. The molluscivorous black carp (i.e., feeding on snails, clams, mussels, and other mollusks) is a native of China where it is cultivated for medicinal purposes and as a food source. It was introduced to the United States to provide snail control in aquaculture settings. By the 1990s the grass carp had escaped from cultivation into the wild and can now be found in waters within or adjacent to 45 states where they are considered a threat to natural vegetation. Black carp have also escaped and are now in several locations along the Missouri and Lower Mississippi River Basins.

Grass carp (Texas Dept. of Parks & Wildlife)
Black carp (U.S. Geological Survey, SESC)


Ecological Risks and Impacts of Asian Carp

Silver and bighead carp are filter-feeders which feed on plankton (drifting animal, plant, or bacteria organisms that inhabit the open waters of waterbodies), with an apparent preference for bluegreen algae). Asian carp can dominate native fisheries in both abundance and in biomass. Bighead carp can reach 110 pounds, although 30 to 40 pounds is considered average (silver carp are generally smaller). Bighead carp can live over 20 years, maturing at about 7 years. Asian carp can consume 5 to 20 percent of their body weight per day. As most native fish feed on plankton during their larval and juvenile life stages (and some native fish remain planktivorous for life), this high level of feeding on plankton by Asian carp can have serious impacts on the stability of the food web, with bighead carp potentially outcompeting native fish while eliminating the main source of food for larval fish and native planktivorous fish. Native fish considered most at risk include ciscos, bloaters, and yellow perch, which serve as prey to important predatory sportfish including lake trout and walleye.

The Great Lakes provide a wide range of habitat types which would serve as good spawning, recruitment, and maturation areas for Asian carp. Spawning habitat could be provided in the flowing waters of Great Lakes tributaries, while young Asian carp prefer warm, biologically productive, backwaters and wetlands. When not feeding on plankton, Asian carp have been known to feed on detritus and root in the bottom of protected embayments and wetlands. This disturbance could have significant impacts on Great Lakes wetlands and shoreline vegetation which provide spawning habitat for native fish and breeding areas for native waterfowl.

Black carp, being molluscivores, are not a threat to plankton. Should black carp reach the Great Lakes from the Mississippi Basin, however, they could become a threat to native Great Lakes native clam, snail, and mussel populations (particularly those that are rare or endangered), as well as to lake sturgeon (another molluscivore). Black carp can grow to more than 100 pounds and a length of up to seven feet.

In their native habitats, populations of Asian carp are held in check by natural predators. Unfortunately, there are no native Great Lakes fish species large enough to prey on adult Asian carp. White pelicans and eagles have been observed feeding on juvenile Asian carp in the Mississippi Basin. The pelicans, found in the western reaches of the Great Lakes and eagles throughout the Basin may be expected to do the same. Native predatory fish such as largemouth bass may feed on juvenile Asian carp. Given the growth rates of Asian carp, many juveniles can be expected to grow too large too quickly for fish predation to be a significant pressure to hold down carp populations.

Once populations of Asian carp become established with recruitment of young fish exceeding mortality, eradication is considered to be difficult if not impossible. Populations might be minimized in some areas by denying access to spawning tributaries via construction of migration barriers, but this is an expensive proposition which may inadvertently result in negative impacts on native species. The best control of Asian carp is to prevent their introduction into the Great Lakes.


Economic & Recreational Impacts

When frightened by the sound of a boat or personal watercraft motor, silver carp have been known to jump up to ten feet out of the water. The sound of boat motors can cause entire schools of silver carp to jump simultaneously. It is not unusual for 20 to 30 pound silver carp to jump into boats, sometimes resulting in damage to equipment or even injury to occupants. The Great Lakes Commission estimates that almost one million motorboats and personal watercraft are in use the Great Lakes. If the silver carp gets into the lake, around one million recreators could be placed in jeopardy. This could have a negative impact on the $4.5 billion annual Great Lakes commercial and recreational fisheries. Unlike the silver carp, the bighead carp does not jump in response to boat traffic.

School of jumping silver carp
A school of silver carp jumping in response to passing motorboat. Photo:Jason Jenkins

if Asian carp feed (and root) extensively in Great Lakes shoreline wetlands, degradation of the water quality and damage to wetland vegetation in native waterfowl breeding areas could threaten the $2.5+ billion annual waterfowl hunting industry.



The main pathway through which Asian carp are expected to enter the Great Lakes is the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal (CSSC).

Silver Carp Distribution
Silver carp distribution as of January 2012 [US Geological Survey]
Bighead carp distribution
Bighead carp distribution as of January 2012 [US Geological Survey]
This manmade waterway directly connects Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River system. A series of three electrical barriers of underwater electrodes has been placed across the canal about 25 miles downstream of the lake. The electrodes create a pulsating field of direct electric current in the water of the canal, intended to deter the carp from swimming through the canal and into Lake Michigan.

Electric field carp dispersal barriers on the Chicago Sanitary & Shipping Canal (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Electric field carp dispersal barriers on the Chicago Sanitary & Shipping Canal (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)

The barriers may prove not to be 100% effective but are currently the main defense against introduction of the carp into the Great Lakes. In 2011, individual carp had been found as close as 22 miles from the barrier. The nearest known breeding population of Asian carp was 50 miles downstream of the barrier; no carp were known to be living above the barrier.

There is also the possibility that Asian carp may get into the Great Lakes through release of live bait into the CSSC above the barrier or directly into the lakes. Live Asian carp being transported to fish markets could also be accidentally or intentionally released into the lakes or their tributaries. The Asian carp has recently been added to the Federal Lacey Act as an injurious species and transport and possession of the fish has been banned.


Additional Asian Carp Information