PRISMs and Partners

Among the 12 recommendations of the 2005 NYS Invasive Species Task Force report to the Governor and Legislature was the formation of eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) to help prevent or minimize the harm caused by invasive species on New York’s environment, economy and the health and well-being of the State’s citizens. PRISMs are intended to coordinate invasive species management functions including coordinating partner efforts, recruiting and training citizen volunteers, identifying and delivering education and outreach, establishing early detection monitoring networks and implementing direct eradication and control efforts.

PRISM: Contacts and Listserves

To facilitate communication within and among PRISMs, eight e-mail “listserves” (or electronic mailing lists) have been established, one for each of the eight PRISMs. The PRISM listserves are managed by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Program. Note: only members of a listserve can post messages to that list.


APIPP (Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program)
Contact: Brendan Quirion 518-576-2082  bquirion@TNC.ORG
Click to subscribe to listserve:
Capital Mohawk PRISM
Contact: Kristopher Williams 518-321-0189
Click to subscribe to listserve:
CRISP (Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership)
Contact: John Thompson 845-586-2611
Click to subscribe to listserve:
Finger Lakes PRISM
Contact: Hilary Mosher 315-781-4385
Click to subscribe to listserve:
LIISMA (Long Island Invasive Species Management Area)
Contact: Steven Pearson  631-560-9945
Click to subscribe to listserve:
Lower Hudson PRISM
Contact: Linda Rohleder 201-512-9348 LRohleder@NYNJTC.ORG
Click to subscribe to listserve:
SLELO (St. Lawrence & Eastern Lake Ontario)
Contact: Rob Williams 315-387-3600 rwilliams@TNC.ORG
Click to subscribe to listserve:
Western New York PRISM
Contact: Andrea Locke 716-878-4708
Click to subscribe to listserve:



Subscribe/Unsubscribe from a PRISM E-mail Listserve

Please note: You must send these messages from the email address where you receive the e-list’s messages.
Do not include any signature block or any other text in the body of the e-mail.
Do not use any unusual font for the words “join” or “leave”
Leave the body of the message blank.


Choose the listserve from which you desire to subscribe, click on the Subscribe/Unsubscribe email address of that listserve [see list, above]. For the Subject of your message, type the single word join. (See example image below)

Choose the listserve from which you wish to be removed, click the Subscribe/Unsubscribe email address of that listserve [see list, above]. For the Subject of your message, type the single word leave. (See example image below)

Contact New York Sea Grant via email or phone with any issues or concerns.


For more information on PRISM meetings and activities and how you can become involved, visit the website of the PRISM in which you are interested, or contact the coordinator listed above for the PRISM.


PRISM Pages on Our Website

Adirondacks: APIPP

Capital/Mohawk PRISM

Catskills: CRISP

Finger Lakes: FL-PRISM

Long Island: LIISMA

Lower Hudson PRISM


Western PRISM


PRISMs: External Websites

Adirondacks: APIPP

Capital/Mohawk PRISM

Catskills: CRISP

Finger Lakes: FL-PRISM

Long Island: LIISMA

Lower Hudson PRISM


Western PRISM