Emerald Ash Borer: Take Action

EAB larvae. Source: David Cappeart, Michigan State University

Here are eight things you can do to slow the spread of EAB and reduce ash mortality.

  1. Don’t Move Firewood! EAB can easily be transported in ash firewood. Don’t give EAB a free ride.
  2. Educate yourself. Learn how to identify ash trees, how to identify EAB, and how to recognize the signs and symptoms of EAB infestation.
  3. Volunteer to help with a community street tree inventory.
  4. Keep track of where EAB is now so you know when EAB has reached neighboring counties or communities.
  5. Spread the Word! Alert your community to the need for planning and preparation.
  6. Educate Others. Write letters to the editor, invite Cornell Cooperative Extension educators to speak about EAB to your club or group, or develop local EAB educational materials.
  7. Collect Ash Seeds for future ash trees. The USDA Forest Service National Seed Laboratory has information available on Ash Seed Collection. You can help preserve ash genetics by participating in this effort.
  8. Report Suspicious Sightings. Contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office for identification assistance, your regional New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Forestry office, or the DEC Forest Health Information Line during business hours at (866) 640-0652.


Don’t Move Firewood.org

USDA Forest Service National Seed Laboratory

Cornell Cooperative Extension

New York Department of Environmental Conservation Forestry