2022 NYISAW Kick-Off Webinar!

Welcome to 2022 New York Invasive Species Awareness Week (NYISAW)! This week is jam-packed with virtual and in-person events all around New York State that aim to educate and empower YOU to stop the spread of invasive species. Join NYS Department of Agriculture & Market's Thom Allgaier and NYS Department of Environmental Conservation's Andrea Nieves […]

Join the NYISAW Mapping Challenge!

Virtual (webinar)

During the 2022 New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, we are launching the first ever NYISAW Mapping Challenge! We challenge you to get out and map this week’s statewide priority species, spotted lanternfly, and the priority species for your PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management). The top reporters to iMapInvasives during NYISAW will win […]


Native Alternatives to Common Invasive Plants

Many invasive plants were once considered desirable ornamentals that were intentionally introduced to gardens and landscapes only to escape into our natural environments. You can play a vital role in the introduction and the prevention of invasive plants by choosing to grow native species and taking action to control invasives you may find on your […]

Backyard Invaders


“Knock, knock…” “Who’s there?” “Invasives!” That’s right - invasive species may have moved into your neighborhood and made themselves quite comfortable. Discover how you can manage and prevent these “Backyard Invaders” in this informative webinar. Learn tips and tricks from experts in the field to help keep your property free of invasives and create a […]

Invasive Species for Lake Lovers

If you love the lakes and ponds of New York, the “Invasive Species for Lake Lovers” webinar on June 8 is for you. Join the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP) to learn about ways invasive species can impact the quality of your favorite lake. Invasive species can have negative effects on the environment, the […]

Aquatic Invasives and How to Stop Them

This New York Invasive Species Awareness Week, join Catskill Region Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP) staff the evening of Wednesday June 8th, from 7-8 pm, to learn about aquatic invasive species (AIS)! We'll cover common and emerging invasive plants and animals, how they might spread around and between waterbodies, and simple steps you can take to […]

Pathways and Prevention of Invasive Species

Join Thom Allgaier from NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets for one of our NYISAW statewide webinar series. This webinar will illustrate some of the pathways invasive species exploit to become established and some of the intervention methods that are used to thwart introduction.  Means of detecting, reporting,  and monitoring invasive species will also be […]

Squishing Spotted Lanternfly

Come for a talk on one of the most destructive invasive species seen in generations – the Spotted Lanternfly. Learn what makes this insect such a threat, why it’s important, and what you can do to stop it. Register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/91078328781?pwd=VTR0cXMvNGtHM1ZhWko5QlRFdEtPQT09