
NYIS.info is a gateway for New Yorkers to access timely, accurate scientific and policy related information so they can make informed decisions about preventing, eradicating, controlling and managing invasive species in New York State.

NYIS.info has subsumed the National Aquatic Nuisance Species Clearinghouse and its Aquatic Invasive Species Database and has formed linkages with the New York Invasive Species Database (iMapInvasives), the New York Invasive Species Research Institute at Cornell, and numerous State and Federal agency invasive species programs. NYIS.info works closely with the State’s eight Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) to support them in their invasive species activities.

New York Sea Grant (NYSG) manages NYIS.info, working with many partners to update and create content related to invasive species in NY.


New York Invasive Species (NYIS.info) was founded in 2008, with funds from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund and through a contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. NYIS.info was established in response to Recommendation 5 of the November 2005 report of the New York State Invasive Species Task Force to the Governor and Legislature.

The Task Force recommended that the State should integrate invasive species databases and information clearinghouses. This resulted in the creation of the invasive species database and mapping project iMapInvasives and the information clearinghouse project, NYIS.info. In 2019, the clearinghouse underwent a redesign to update appearance, navigation, function and mobile device friendliness.

Adult Spotted Lantern Fly on a Wood Log